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Research in the large. using app stores, markets, and other wide distribution channels in Ubicomp research.

, , , , und . UbiComp (Adjunct Papers), Seite 511-514. ACM, (2010)

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Research in the large. using app stores, markets, and other wide distribution channels in Ubicomp research., , , , und . UbiComp (Adjunct Papers), Seite 511-514. ACM, (2010)Understanding Mass-Market Mobile TV Behaviors in the Streaming Era., und . CHI, Seite 261. ACM, (2019)Exploring best practices for card interactions through a three-method triangulation., , , und . MobileHCI Adjunct, Seite 541-550. ACM, (2016)Location and activity sharing in everyday mobile communication., und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 2453-2462. ACM, (2008)Exploring the Quality, Efficiency, and Representative Nature of Responses Across Multiple Survey Panels., , , und . CHI, Seite 1-12. ACM, (2020)"If a person is emailing you, it just doesn't make sense": Exploring Changing Consumer Behaviors in Email., , und . CHI, Seite 85-95. ACM, (2017)Embedding User Understanding in the Corporate Culture: UX Research and Accessibility at Yahoo., , , und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 823-832. ACM, (2016)The power of mobile notifications to increase wellbeing logging behavior., und . CHI, Seite 1095-1098. ACM, (2013)2nd workshop on research in the large. using app stores, wide distribution channels and big data in ubicomp research., , , und . UbiComp, Seite 619-620. ACM, (2011)Losing the Power of Defaults: Exploring Changing Patterns in Enabling Mobile Notifications.. UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct, Seite 1208-1214. ACM, (2018)