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Analysis of Companies' Non-financial Disclosures: Ontology Learning by Topic Modeling., и . ESWC (Satellite Events), том 9341 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 97-101. Springer, (2015)Classifying the influence of negative affect expressed by the financial media on investor behavior., и . IIiX, стр. 275-278. ACM, (2014)Sentiment Analysis and the Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Firm Earnings., и . ECIR, том 8416 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 519-527. Springer, (2014)Predicting the impact of central bank communications on financial market investors' interest rate expectations., и . WaSABi-FEOSW@ESWC, том 1240 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2014)