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Power-Conserving Computation of Order-Statistics over Sensor Networks., and . PODS, page 275-285. ACM, (2004)Two-handed emulation: how to build non-blocking implementation of complex data-structures using DCAS.. PODC, page 260-269. ACM, (2002)Efficient packet monitoring for network management., , , , , and . NOMS, page 423-436. IEEE, (2002)Direct measurement vs. indirect inference for determining network-internal delays., and . Perform. Evaluation, 49 (1/4): 165-177 (2002)The Synergy Between Non-Blocking Synchronization and Operating System Structure., and . OSDI, page 123-136. ACM, (1996)Operating Systems Review 30, Special Issue, October 1996.How to wait when you are not going to block.. PODC, page 256. ACM, (2002)Open Packet Monitoring on FLAME: Safety, Performance, and Applications., , , and . IWAN, volume 2546 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 120-131. Springer, (2002)On the Sensitivity of Network Simulation to Topology., , and . MASCOTS, page 117-. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)cing: Measuring Network-Internal Delays using only Existing Infrastructure., , and . INFOCOM, page 2112-2121. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Performance of checksums and CRC's over real data., , , and . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 6 (5): 529-543 (1998)