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Theories and theorizing. Blackwell, Oxford, (1978)Essays in economics. Blackwell, Oxford, (1977)The economy as a circular flow. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2 (1): 181--212 (June 1991)Prospects for the Soviet economy to the year 2000, , and . Journal of Policy Modeling, 5 (1): 1--18 (March 1983)Theories, facts, and policies. Blackwell, Oxford, (1977)Essays in economics. Oxford Univ. Press, New York u.a., (1966)Input-output economics. Oxford Univ. Pr., New York, 2. printing edition, (1973)Essays in economics. Blackwell, Oxford, (1978)The structure of American economy. Internat. Arts and Sciences Press, White Plains, NY, 2. ed., enlarged, reprinted edition, (1976)The future impact of automation on workers, and . Oxford Univ. Press, New York u.a., (1986)