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Limitations and Applications of ICA for Surface Electromyogram., , , , and . EMBC, page 5739-5742. IEEE, (2006)Application of statistical cancer atlas for 3D biopsy., , , , , , , and . Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, volume 6812 of SPIE Proceedings, page 681216. SPIE, (2008)An adaptive approach to abnormal heart sound segmentation., , , , and . ICASSP, page 661-664. IEEE, (2011)Design and development of a novel mobile electronic nose for fungi in north-eastern region of India., , , and . ICWET, page 1103-1106. ACM, (2011)Adaptive Higuchi's dimension-based retinal vessel diameter measurement., and . EMBC, page 1308-1311. IEEE, (2016)Effect of age on changes in motor units functional connectivity., and . EMBC, page 2900-2903. IEEE, (2015)BICIR: Boundary-Constrained Inverse Consistent Image Registration Using WEB-Splines., , , and . CVPR Workshops, page 68. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Transitive Inverse-Consistent Manifold Registration., , and . IPMI, volume 3565 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 468-479. Springer, (2005)Auditory eyes: Representing visual information in sound and tactile cues., , and . EUSIPCO, page 1-4. IEEE, (2005)Teaching while surrounded by smartphones., and . EMBC, page 4194-4197. IEEE, (2019)