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The underwriting experience of commercial bank affiliates prior to the Glass-Steagall Act: A reexamination of evidence for passage of the act, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 18 (2): 351--395 (января 1994)League table: a study of the competition to underwrite floating rate debt, и . Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 14 (4): 329--349 (октября 2004)Compensation and performance: the case of Japanese managers and directors, и . Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 7 (4): 275--304 (декабря 1997)The portfolio behavior of Japanese corporations' stable shareholders, и . Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 12 (2): 89--106 (апреля 2002)Concealing and confounding adverse signals: insider wealth-maximizing behavior in the IPO process, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 67 (1): 149--172 (января 2003)Direct evidence on the marginal rate of taxation on dividend income, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 14 (2): 267--282 (июня 1985)Government ownership and the performance of government-linked companies: The case of Singapore, и . Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 16 (1): 64--88 (февраля 2006)Explicit versus implicit contracting in the debt market: The case of leasing, и . International Review of Financial Analysis, 7 (2): 153--169 (1998)Model and algorithms for multi-period sea cargo mix problem., , и . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 180 (3): 1381-1393 (2007)Analyzing Information Systems Using Petri Nets: Operations-Oriented Methodology., , и . DMIS, стр. 329-352. Elsevier, (1991)