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Brain activity during playing video game correlates with player level., , , , и . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, том 352 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 360-363. ACM, (2008)BayesianBand: Jam Session System Based on Mutual Prediction by User and System., , , и . ICEC, том 5709 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 179-184. Springer, (2009)Autonomously Acquiring a Video Game Agent's Behavior: Letting Players Feel Like Playing with a Human Player., , , и . Advances in Computer Entertainment, том 7624 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 490-493. Springer, (2012)"VirtualPhilharmony": A Conducting System with Heuristics of Conducting an Orchestra., , и . NIME, стр. 263-270., (2010)Mixtract: A directable musical expression system., , и . ACII, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Applying STRAIGHT toward Music Systems - Accurate F0 Estimation and Application for Data-driven Synthesis., и . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1999)A Compositional Environment with Intersection and Interaction between Musical Model and Graphical Model: "Listen to the Graphics, Watch the Music"., , и . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1995)Virtual Performer., , , , , , и . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1993)Find Kirigami!: an Augmented Papercutting Play Activity Realized with Tablet Terminals., , , и . ACE, стр. 44:1-44:6. ACM, (2016)Expression extraction in virtuoso music performances., , , и . ICPR (1), стр. 780-784. IEEE, (1990)