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A Formalism for Modelling Traction forces and Cell Shape Evolution during Cell Migration in Various Biomedical Processes., , и . CoRR, (2020)An Analytical Model for the Probability Characteristics of a Crack Hitting an Encapsulated Self-healing Agent in Concrete., , и . CASC, том 6244 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 280-292. Springer, (2010)Some Mathematical Properties of Morphoelasticity., , , и . ENUMATH, том 139 из Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, стр. 1119-1127. Springer, (2019)Several Agent-Based and Cellular Automata Mathematical Frameworks for Modeling Pancreatic Cancer., и . ENUMATH, том 139 из Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, стр. 265-274. Springer, (2019)Physical Confinement and Cell Proximity Increase Cell Migration Rates and Invasiveness: A Mathematical Model of Cancer Cell Invasion through Flexible Channels., , и . CoRR, (2022)Point Forces and Their Alternatives in Cell-Based Models for Skin Contraction., и . ENUMATH, том 139 из Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, стр. 763-771. Springer, (2019)Network-inspired versus Kozeny-Carman based permeability-porosity relations applied to Biot's poroelasticity model., , , и . CoRR, (2020)A Bayesian finite-element trained machine learning approach for predicting post-burn contraction., , , и . Neural Comput. Appl., 34 (11): 8635-8642 (2022)Mathematical Models to Predict the Critical Conditions for Bacterial Self-healing of Concrete., , и . MMCP, том 7125 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 108-121. Springer, (2011)High-speed predictions of post-burn contraction using a neural network trained on 2D-finite element simulations., , и . Frontiers Appl. Math. Stat., (февраля 2023)