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Generation of multivariate distributions by vertical density representation, , и . Statistics, 35 (3): 281--293 (2001)A characterization of multivariate normal distribution and its application, , и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 30 (4): 347--352 (15.11.1996)A multivariate version of Ghosh's T3-plot to detect non-multinormality, , и . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 28 (4): 371--386 (28.10.1998)Construction of symmetric orthogonal designs with deep Q-network and orthogonal complementary design., , , и . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., (2022)The effective dimension and quasi-Monte Carlo integration., и . J. Complex., 19 (2): 101-124 (2003)A sensitive algorithm for detecting the inequivalence of Hadamard matrices., и . Math. Comput., 73 (246): 843-851 (2004)Some interesting behaviors of good lattice point sets., , и . Commun. Stat. Simul. Comput., 50 (11): 3650-3668 (2021)Uniform Design: Theory and Application., , , и . Technometrics, 42 (3): 237-248 (2000)Orthogonality and D-optimality of the U-type design under general Fourier regression models, , и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 77 (12): 1377--1384 (01.07.2007)On the posterior distribution of the covariance matrix of the growth curve model, , и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 38 (1): 33--39 (15.05.1998)