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Firm productivity and export markets: a non-parametric approach, , и . Journal of International Economics, 57 (2): 397--422 (августа 2002)Subsampling inference in cube root asymptotics with an application to Manski's maximum score estimator, , и . Economics Letters, 73 (2): 241--250 (ноября 2001)Specification testing. Journal of Econometrics, 143 (1): 1--4 (марта 2008)Computing nonparametric functional estimates in semiparametric problems. Econometric Reviews, 12 (1): 125--128 (1993)Testing the equality of nonparametric regression curves. Statistics & Probability Letters, 17 (3): 199--204 (18.06.1993)NONPARAMETRIC AND SEMIPARAMETRIC METHODS FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH, и . Journal of Economic Surveys, 6 (3): 201--249 (245 09 1992)doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6419.1992.tb00151.x.Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry in dynamic models, и . Journal of Econometrics, 141 (2): 652--682 (декабря 2007)Distribution-free specification tests of conditional models, и . Journal of Econometrics, 143 (1): 37--55 (марта 2008)Nonparametric inference on structural breaks, и . Journal of Econometrics, 96 (1): 113--144 (мая 2000)Optimal spectral kernel for long-range dependent time series, и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 30 (1): 37--43 (30.09.1996)