Author of the publication

A Flexible Framework for Content-Based Access Management for Federated Digital Libraries.

, , , , and . ECDL, volume 3652 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 489-490. Springer, (2005)

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A Flexible Framework for Content-Based Access Management for Federated Digital Libraries., , , , and . ECDL, volume 3652 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 489-490. Springer, (2005)Delegation Active Certificates: Protocols and Privilege Management., , and . CCCT (1), page 57-62. The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), (2004)Access Management in Federated Digital Libraries., , , and . ICWI, page 201-208. IADIS, (2004)A Standards-Based Approach for Supporting Dynamic Access Policies for a Federated Digital Library., , , , and . ICADL, volume 3815 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 242-252. Springer, (2005)A Comparative Study of Specification Models for Autonomic Access Control of Digital Rights., , , , , and . DRMTICS, volume 3919 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 102-112. Springer, (2005)Framework for Information Sharing Across Multiple Government Agencies under Dynamic Access Policies., , , and . ARES, page 934-940. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)