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Modelling and Prediction of Electronically Controlled Automotive Engine Power and Torque Using Support Vector Machines.

, , , und . LAPTEC, Volume 132 von Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Seite 87-96. IOS Press, (2005)

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Modelling and Prediction of Electronically Controlled Automotive Engine Power and Torque Using Support Vector Machines., , , und . LAPTEC, Volume 132 von Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Seite 87-96. IOS Press, (2005)Improved dynamic identification of robotic manipulators in the linear region of dynamic friction., , , und . SyRoCo, Volume 42 von IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Seite 167-172. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2009)Dual-Interval Fuzzy Stochastic Programming Method for Long-Term Planning of Municipal Solid Waste Management., und . J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 24 (2): 188-202 (2010)Enhancing Pre-Service Teacher's Learning about On-Line Learning through Use of a Self-Managed On-Line Learning Environment., , und . ICCE, Seite 1051-1052. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)07695-1509-6.