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Protocol Modularity in Systems for Managing Replicated Data., , и . Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data, стр. 78-81. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1992)Reasoning About Naming Systems., , и . ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 15 (5): 795-825 (1993)Container-based operating system virtualization: a scalable, high-performance alternative to hypervisors., , , , и . EuroSys, стр. 275-287. ACM, (2007)Scout: a communications-oriented operating system., , , , и . HotOS, стр. 58-61. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Overcoming the Internet Impasse through Virtualization., , , и . Computer, 38 (4): 34-41 (2005)PlanetFlow: maintaining accountability for network services., , и . ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 40 (1): 89-94 (2006)Computer Networks: A System Approach., и . IEEE Commun. Mag., 36 (5): 54 (1998)A yellow-pages service for a local-area network.. Comput. Commun. Rev., 17 (5): 235-242 (1987)Experiences with Network Simulation., и . SIGMETRICS, стр. 80-90. ACM, (1996)Image Transfer: An End-to-End Design., и . SIGCOMM, стр. 258-268. ACM, (1992)