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Sensor-Based Activity Recognition and Performance Assessment in Climbing: A Review.

, , and . IEEE Access, (2022)

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A Trust Model for Multiagent Recommendations, , , , , and . Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 2 (4): 310-318 (2010)Location-Adapted Music Recommendation Using Tags., and . UMAP, volume 6787 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 183-194. Springer, (2011)Location-aware music recommendation., , and . Int. J. Multim. Inf. Retr., 2 (1): 31-44 (2013)Cooperative Query Rewriting for Decision Making Support and Recommender Systems., and . Appl. Artif. Intell., 21 (10): 895-932 (2007)Optimally balancing receiver and recommended users' importance in reciprocal recommender systems., , , and . RecSys, page 131-139. ACM, (2018)Pairwise Preferences Based Matrix Factorization and Nearest Neighbor Recommendation Techniques., , and . RecSys, page 143-146. ACM, (2016)Product Recommendation with Interactive Query Management and Twofold Similarity., , , , , and . ICCBR, volume 2689 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 479-493. Springer, (2003)Item Contents Good, User Tags Better: Empirical Evaluation of a Food Recommender System., , , and . UMAP, page 373-374. ACM, (2017)RecSys'09 workshop 3: workshop on context-aware recommender systems (CARS-2009)., and . RecSys, page 423-424. ACM, (2009)Recommending music for places of interest in a mobile travel guide., , and . RecSys, page 253-256. ACM, (2011)