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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A Multi-Agent System for Controlling Building Environments., und . ICMAS, Seite 171-176. The MIT Press, (1995)The Nature of Markets in the World Wide Web, und . Quarterly Journal of Economic Commerce, (Januar 2000)Power laws & long tails in web merchants.Ensuring Trust in One Time Exchanges: Solving the QoS Problem, , und . Netnomics, (2006)The Dynamics of Viral Marketing, , und . CoRR, (2005)The Structure of Collaborative Tagging Systems, und . Journal of Information Science, 32 (2): 198–208 (April 2006)cite arxiv:cs/0508082.Persistence and Success in the Attention Economy, und . (2009)cite arxiv:0904.0489.Friendlee: A Mobile Application for Your Social Life, , , und . Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services, Volume 35 von Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 10.1007/978-3-642-12607-9_22.(2010)Rhythms of social interaction: messaging within a massive online network, , und . CoRR, (2006)Big Data and the Attention Economy: Big Data (Ubiquity symposium).. Ubiquity, 2017 (December): 2:1-2:7 (2017)Organizational Fluidity and Sustainable Cooperation., und . MAAMAW, Volume 957 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 89-103. Springer, (1993)