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Interestingness and Pruning of Mined Patterns., , , and . 1999 ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, (1999)Logic in databases: report on the LID 2008 workshop., , and . SIGMOD Rec., 38 (3): 44-49 (2009)LLM Performance Predictors are good initializers for Architecture Search., , , and . CoRR, (2023)Offline matching approximation algorithms in exchange markets., and . WWW, page 1187-1188. ACM, (2008)Languages for Multi-database Interoperability., , , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 536-538. ACM Press, (1997)View-Based Tree-Language Rewritings for XML., and . FoIKS, volume 8367 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 270-289. Springer, (2014)Cohort Representation and Exploration., , and . DSAA, page 169-178. IEEE, (2018)Exploiting Conflict Structures in Inconsistent Databases., and . ADBIS, volume 6295 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 320-335. Springer, (2010)Information Integration and the Semantic Web., and . IEEE Data Eng. Bull., 26 (4): 19-25 (2003)Efficient Secure Query Evaluation over Encrypted XML Databases., and . VLDB, page 127-138. ACM, (2006)