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Convergence of population dynamics in symmetric routing games with a finite number of playersz., , и . GAMENETS, стр. 668-672. IEEE, (2009)The price of insecurity: Public information transmission in zero-sum games., и . Allerton Conference, стр. 441-448. IEEE, (2012)Managing adoption under network effects., , и . NetEcon@SIGMETRICS, стр. 6:1. ACM, (2019)Exploration vs. Exploitation in Team Formation., , , и . WINE, том 11316 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 451. Springer, (2018)Training a Single Bandit Arm., и . AISTATS, том 130 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 2998-3006. PMLR, (2021)Games with vector payoffs : a dynamic programming approach.. University of California, Berkeley, USA, (2015)Atomic hierarchical routing games in communication networks., , , и . CrownCom, стр. 1-5. ICST / IEEE, (2010)Stochastic games with one step delay sharing information pattern with application to power control., , и . GAMENETS, стр. 124-129. IEEE, (2009)Approximately optimal scheduling of an M/G/1 queue with heavy tails., и . Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 80 (3): 261-271 (2015)Evolutionary forwarding games in Delay Tolerant Networks., , и . WiOpt, стр. 76-84. IEEE, (2010)