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Visualização de incertezas para a melhoria da consciência situacional em sistemas de chamadas de emergência.

, , , , , and . IHC, page 405-408. ACM, (2014)

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Conceptual Framework to Enrich Situation Awareness of Emergency Dispatchers., , , , , and . HCI (5), volume 9173 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 33-44. Springer, (2015)Optimal route selection for highly dynamic wireless sensor and actor networks environment., , and . MSWiM, page 21-27. ACM, (2007)A scalable and dynamic data aggregation aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks., , , , and . MSWiM, page 110-117. ACM, (2010)Irregular Sensing Range Detection Model for Coverage Based Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks., , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Dynamic and Scalable Routing to Perform Efficient Data Aggregation in WSNs., , , , and . ICC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2011)A Novel Gnutella Application Layer Multicast Protocol for Collaborative Virtual Environments over Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks., , and . WCNC, page 2825-2830. IEEE, (2007)A Novel Optimized Caching Technique for Mobile Gnutella Based Network to Support Large-Scale Collaborative Virtual Environment., , and . Annual Simulation Symposium, page 289-297. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)3D Web-Based Virtual Simulation Environments Extensibility through Interactive Non-Linear Stories., , and . DS-RT, page 167-175. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)An adaptive dynamic grid-based approach to data distribution management., , and . IPDPS, IEEE, (2006)How to Support Collaborative Modelling with the Emerging Standard MPEG-4 MU., , and . SIBGRAPI, page 436. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)