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A Method for Implementing Fractal Image Compression on Reconfigurable Architecture., , and . FPGA, page 251. ACM, (1999)Stick'n Roll: A Playful Stick Interface for Curved Display., , , , and . VRIC, page 20:1-20:4. ACM, (2015)Stick and roll: a physical interactive system using curved displays and rolling batons., , and . SIGGRAPH Asia Posters, page 20. ACM, (2016)Exact Analysis of the Recurrence Relations Generalized from the Tower of Hanoi.. ANALCO, page 228-233. SIAM, (2008)An Efficient Implementation Method of Fractal Image Compression on Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture., , and . IPPS/SPDP Workshops, volume 1586 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 670-678. Springer, (1999)Playful Audio-Visual Interaction with Spheroids ., and . NIME, page 188-189., (2020)Spheroids as Playful Audiovisual Interface on Tabletop Display., and . HCI (20), volume 12781 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 303-314. Springer, (2021)Bumpy Sliding: An MR System for Experiencing Sliding Down a Bumpy Cliff., and . VR Workshops, page 1028-1029. IEEE, (2023)Summation Algorithms on Constrained Reconfigurable Meshes., and . ISPAN, page 400-405. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)An Interactive Haptic Display System with Changeable Hardness Using Magneto-Rheological Fluid., and . VRST, page 41:1-41:2. ACM, (2022)