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High Efficiency High Density 1 MHz 380-12 V DCX With Low FoM Devices., и . IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 67 (2): 1648-1656 (2020)A hybrid algorithm based on particle swarm optimization and group search optimization., и . ICNC, стр. 13-17. IEEE, (2011)InfDisSim: A novel method for measuring disease similarity based on information flow., , , , , и . BIBM, стр. 20-26. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Robust H∞ Filtering for Uncertain Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Mode-dependent Time-delays and Markovian Jump Parameters., , , , и . Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 30 (2): 303-321 (2011)H∞ filtering for nonlinear networked systems with randomly occurring distributed delays, missing measurements and sensor saturation., , , и . Inf. Sci., (2016)Optimal eavesdropping problem in privacy preserving consensus., , , , и . IECON, стр. 5929-5934. IEEE, (2017)Decentralized event-triggered consensus control for second-order multi-agent systems., , , и . Neurocomputing, (2014)A cooperative quantum particle swarm optimization based on multiple groups., , , и . SMC, стр. 3213-3218. IEEE, (2017)Majorization theory in sensor scheduling., , и . CDC, стр. 3063-3068. IEEE, (2015)An Implementation of Multiple Home Agents Mechanism in Mobile IPv6., и . TRIDENTCOM, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2007)