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The Audio Abacus: Representing a Wide Range of Values with Accuracy and Precision., , и . ICAD, International Community for Auditory Display, (2004)Individual Differences, Cognitive Abilities, and the Interpretation of Auditory Graphs., , и . ICAD, International Community for Auditory Display, (2004)Sound science: Marking ten international conferences on auditory display., и . ACM Trans. Appl. Percept., 2 (4): 383-388 (2005)Design and Evaluation of a Multimodal Science Simulation., , , , , и . ASSETS, стр. 438-440. ACM, (2018)Auditory menus are not just spoken visual menus: a case study of ünavailable" menu items., , , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 3319-3324. ACM, (2010)Measuring comprehension in sonification tasks that have multiple data streams., и . Audio Mostly Conference, стр. 11:1-11:6. ACM, (2013)Human-Robot Trust: Understanding User Perceptions., и . HRI (Companion), стр. 325-326. ACM, (2018)Bringing the thrill to automated vehicles: an evaluation of thrill-seeking driving displays., , и . AutomotiveUI (adjunct), стр. 381-386. ACM, (2019)CARoma Therapy: Pleasant Scents Promote Safer Driving, Better Mood, and Improved Well-Being in Angry Drivers., , , , , и . CHI, стр. 1-13. ACM, (2020)Trust Calibration through Reliability Displays in Automated Vehicles., и . HRI (Companion), стр. 361-362. ACM, (2017)