Author of the publication

A Transaction Model of Bill Service Based on Blockchain.

, , , , and . ICAIS (2), volume 12737 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 279-288. Springer, (2021)

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A Transaction Model of Bill Service Based on Blockchain., , , , and . ICAIS (2), volume 12737 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 279-288. Springer, (2021)Short-Term Prediction Method of Transformer Error Based on Intelligent Algorithm., , , and . RICAI, page 1284-1288. ACM, (2022)A Method of Software Quality Comparison based on PCA., , , , and . IWESQ/QuASoQ@APSEC, volume 3612 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 13-16., (2023)Research on Software Quality Characteristics based on MBSE System., , and . IWESQ/QuASoQ@APSEC, volume 3612 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 29-33., (2023)