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Using Exploration Focused Techniques to Augment Search-Based Software Testing: An Experimental Evaluation.

, , and . ICST, page 69-79. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)

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A Concept for an Interactive Search-Based Software Testing System., , and . SSBSE, volume 7515 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 273-278. Springer, (2012)Objective Re-weighting to Guide an Interactive Search Based Software Testing System., , and . ICMLA (2), page 102-107. IEEE, (2013)978-0-7695-5144-9.EMB: A Curated Corpus of Web/Enterprise Applications And Library Support for Software Testing Research., , , , , , and . ICST, page 433-442. IEEE, (2023)Using Exploration Focused Techniques to Augment Search-Based Software Testing: An Experimental Evaluation., , and . ICST, page 69-79. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)An initial industrial evaluation of interactive search-based testing for embedded software., , , and . Appl. Soft Comput., (2015)EvoMaster: A Search-Based System Test Generation Tool., , , and . J. Open Source Softw., 6 (57): 2153 (2021)Resource and dependency based test case generation for RESTful Web services., , and . Empir. Softw. Eng., 26 (4): 76 (2021)A Testability Analysis Framework for Non-functional Properties., , , , and . ICST Workshops, page 54-58. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Resource-based test case generation for RESTful web services., , and . GECCO, page 1426-1434. ACM, (2019)Building an open-source system test generation tool: lessons learned and empirical analyses with EvoMaster., , , , , , and . Softw. Qual. J., 31 (3): 947-990 (September 2023)