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A note on optimality conditions to interval optimization problems., , , и . IFSA-EUSFLAT, Atlantis Press, (2015)Continuity of set defuzzification methods., , и . EUSFLAT Conf., стр. 1141-1145. Universidad Polytecnica de Catalunya, (2005)A note on transitivity in set-valued discrete systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 17 (1): 99--104 (июля 2003)Fuzzy Differential Equation with p-Derivative., , и . IFSA/EUSFLAT Conf., стр. 703-706. (2009)A generalization of Ostrowski type inequalities for fuzzy-valued functions., , , и . NAFIPS/WConSC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2015)A note on dynamics of interval extensions of interval functions., и . NAFIPS/WConSC, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2015)Generalized convexity in fuzzy vector optimization through a linear ordering., , , и . Inf. Sci., (2015)A note on Gronwall type inequality for interval-valued functions., , и . IFSA/NAFIPS, стр. 1455-1458. IEEE, (2013)An Ostrowski type inequality for interval-valued functions., , и . IFSA/NAFIPS, стр. 1459-1462. IEEE, (2013)On multivalued fuzzy entropies., и . Fuzzy Sets Syst., 86 (2): 169-177 (1997)