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Modelling Motivation as an Intrinsic Reward Signal for Reinforcement Learning Agents

, and . Machine Learning, (2006)not yet accepted..

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Modelling Motivation as an Intrinsic Reward Signal for Reinforcement Learning Agents, and . Machine Learning, (2006)not yet accepted..Developing Attention Focus Metrics for Autonomous Hypothesis Generation in Data Mining., , and . SEAL, volume 7673 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 290-299. Springer, (2012)Designing Toys That Come Alive: Curious Robots for Creative Play.. ICEC, volume 5309 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 149-154. Springer, (2008)Effective motive profiles and swarm compositions for motivated particle swarm optimisation applied to task allocation., , and . CIHLI, page 52-59. IEEE, (2014)Detecting Rare Visual and Auditory Events from EEG Using Pairwise-Comparison Neural Networks., , , and . BICS, volume 10023 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 90-101. (2016)Modelling motivation for experience-based attention focus in reinforcement learning.. University of Sydney, Australia, (2007) ( motivated particle swarm optimisation applied to task allocation for workplace hazard detection., and . Adaptive Behaviour, 24 (4): 219-236 (2016)Task Allocation Using Particle Swarm Optimisation and Anomaly Detection to Generate a Dynamic Fitness Function., and . Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 9457 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 317-329. Springer, (2015)Self-motivated learning of achievement and maintenance tasks for non-player characters in computer games., , and . CIHLI, page 44-51. IEEE, (2014)Novelty and Beyond: Towards Combined Motivation Models and Integrated Learning Architectures.. Intrinsically Motivated Learning in Natural and Artificial Systems, Springer, (2013)