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A distributed storage model for selfish and rational nodes.. BMEI, page 717-722. IEEE, (2013)Probabilistic cloning and orthogonal complementing of an unknown EPR state, , , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, (Aug 15, 2005)Hand & eye-vergence dual visual servoing to enhance observability and stability., and . ICRA, page 714-721. IEEE, (2009)Intelligent information retrieval system using automatic thesaurus construction., , , and . Int. J. General Systems, 40 (4): 395-415 (2011)Binary partition for itemsets expansion in mining high utility itemsets., , and . Intell. Data Anal., 20 (4): 915-931 (2016)Energy-Aware Cooperation Strategy With Uncoordinated Group Relays for Delay-Sensitive Services., , , and . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 63 (5): 2104-2114 (2014)Exact Outage Probability for a Wireless Diversity Network With Spatially Random Mobile Relays., , and . IEEE Communications Letters, 18 (9): 1641-1644 (2014)User-driven saliency maps for evaluating Region-of-Interest detection., , and . WACV, page 389-395. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Core Based on Positive Region., , , and . IC-AI, page 628-634. CSREA Press, (2007)A survey on usage of mobile video in Australia., and . OZCHI, page 5-8. ACM, (2010)