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The Resurgence of Software Performance Engineering.. SPAA, page 53. ACM, (2018)How to Assemble Tree Machines (Extended Abstract), and . STOC, page 77-84. ACM, (1982)A Hyperconcentrator Swith for Routing Bit-Serial Messages., and . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 10 (3): 193-204 (1990)A Hyperconcentrator Switch for Routing Bit-Serial Messages., and . ICPP, page 721-728. IEEE Computer Society Press, (1986)Upper Bounds on Number of Steals in Rooted Trees., , and . Theory Comput. Syst., 58 (2): 223-240 (2016)An Application of Number Theory to the Organization of Raster-Graphics Memory (Extended Abstract), , and . FOCS, page 92-99. IEEE Computer Society, (1982)Optimizing Synchronous Systems, and . FOCS, page 23-36. IEEE Computer Society, (1981)Adversarial Analyses of Window Backoff Strategies., , , , and . IPDPS Next Generation Software Program - NSFNGS - PI Workshop, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Provably Efficient Online Non-clairvoyant Adaptive Scheduling., , and . IPDPS, page 1-10. IEEE, (2007)The pochoir stencil compiler., , , , and . SPAA, page 117-128. ACM, (2011)