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Risk scenario designs for driving simulator experiments., , , , , , , , and . MT-ITS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Driving Behavior Safety Levels: Classification and Evaluation., , , and . MT-ITS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Can Social Media data augment travel demand survey data?, , , and . ITSC, page 1642-1647. IEEE, (2016)Active Traffic Management applications in Greece. The case of Attica Tollway., , and . ITSC, page 237-242. IEEE, (2010)Simulation-based Optimization of Autonomous Driving Behaviors., , and . ITSC, page 4101-4108. IEEE, (2022)A demonstration of distribution-based calibration., , and . MT-ITS, page 109-115. IEEE, (2015)Impacts of Platooning of Connected Automated Vehicles on Highways., , , and . IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 25 (7): 6366-6396 (July 2024)Bus scheduling with heterogeneous fleets: Formulation and hybrid metaheuristic algorithms., , and . Expert Syst. Appl., (2025)Real-time multi-sensor multi-source network data fusion using dynamic traffic assignment models., , , , , and . ITSC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Accelerated on-line calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment using distributed Stochastic Gradient approximation., , , , and . ITSC, page 1166-1171. IEEE, (2010)