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A Task-Based Greedy Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing Energy of MapReduce Jobs., и . J. Grid Comput., 16 (4): 535-551 (2018)Instruction cache leakage reduction by changing register operands and using asymmetric sram cells., и . ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 383-386. ACM, (2008)Power-yield optimization in MPSoC task scheduling under process variation., , и . ISQED, стр. 747-754. IEEE, (2010)An Ensemble Mobile-Cloud Computing Method for Affordable and Accurate Glucometer Readout., и . CoRR, (2023)Heuristic algorithm for periodic clock optimisation in scheduling-based latency-insensitive design., , и . IET Comput. Digit. Tech., 9 (3): 165-174 (2015)SAIR: significance-aware approach to improve QoR of big data processing in case of budget constraint., и . J. Supercomput., 75 (9): 5760-5781 (2019)Gapprox: using Gallup approach for approximation in Big Data processing., , и . J. Big Data, (2019)Data locality and VM interference aware mitigation of data skew in hadoop leveraging modern portfolio theory., и . SAC, стр. 175-182. ACM, (2018)Row/column redundancy to reduce SRAM leakage in presence of random within-die delay variation., и . ISLPED, стр. 93-98. ACM, (2008)Software-Level Instruction-Cache Leakage Reduction Using Value-Dependence of SRAM Leakage in Nanometer Technologies., , и . Trans. High Perform. Embed. Archit. Compil., (2011)