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A reinforcement learning scheme for a multi-agent card game., , и . SMC, стр. 4071-4078. IEEE, (2003)Mjx: A framework for Mahjong AI research., , , , , и . CoG, стр. 504-507. IEEE, (2022)Efficient Diverse Ensemble for Discriminative Co-Tracking., , и . CVPR, стр. 4814-4823. Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE Computer Society, (2018)A Unified Framework of Binary Classifiers Ensemble for Multi-class Classification., и . ICONIP (2), том 7664 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 375-382. Springer, (2012)Mu-net: Multi-scale U-net for two-photon microscopy image denoising and restoration., , , , и . Neural Networks, (2020)Model-based reinforcement learning: a computational model and an fMRI study., и . Neurocomputing, (2005)Balancing plasticity and stability of on-line learning based on hierarchical Bayesian adaptation of forgetting factors., , и . Neurocomputing, 69 (16-18): 1954-1961 (2006)Visual attention model involving feature-based inhibition of return., , и . Artif. Life Robotics, 15 (2): 129-132 (2010)A multi-agent reinforcement learning method for a partially-observable competitive game., , и . Agents, стр. 39-40. ACM, (2001)A model-based reinforcement learning: a computational model and an fMRI study., и . ESANN, стр. 313-318. (2003)