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Insights into metabolic efficiency from flux analysis, и . J. Exp. Bot., (2012)Rubisco without the Calvin cycle improves the carbon efficiency of developing green seeds, , , и . Nature, (2004)iMS2Flux - a high-throughput processing tool for stable isotope labeled mass spectrometric data used for metabolic flux analysis., , , , , и . BMC Bioinform., (2012)Metabolic network flux analysis for engineering plant systems.. Current opinion in biotechnology, 24 (2): 247--255 (апреля 2013)Synergy between (13)C-metabolic flux analysis and flux balance analysis for understanding metabolic adaptation to anaerobiosis in E. coli, , , , и . Metab. Eng., (2011)Carbon conversion efficiency and central metabolic fluxes in developing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) embryos, , , и . The Plant Journal, 52 (2): 296--308 (октября 2007)Metabolic flux analysis in plants: coping with complexity, , и . Plant, Cell & Environment, 32 (9): 1241--1257 (2009)Accurate flux predictions using tissue-specific gene expression in plant metabolic modeling., и . Bioinform., (мая 2023)J. Exp. Bot.: Experimental quantification of metabolic fluxes from isotopic labelling studies, , , и . (2012)