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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Iterative Temporal Planning in Uncertain Environments With Partial Satisfaction Guarantees., , , , , und . IEEE Trans. Robotics, 32 (3): 583-599 (2016)Decentralized control of robotic swarms from high-level temporal logic specifications., und . MRS, Seite 17-23. IEEE, (2017)Situation understanding bot through language and environment., , , , , , , , , und 2 andere Autor(en). HRI, Seite 419-420. ACM, (2012)Automatic synthesis of robot controllers for tasks with locative prepositions., und . ICRA, Seite 3215-3220. IEEE, (2010)Event-Based Signal Temporal Logic Synthesis for Single and Multi-Robot Tasks., und . CoRR, (2020)Warehouse Automation in a Day: From Model to Implementation with Provable Guarantees., und . CASE, Seite 280-287. IEEE, (2020)Decentralized Control of Minimalistic Robotic Swarms For Guaranteed Target Encapsulation., und . IROS, Seite 7251-7258. IEEE, (2022)Guaranteeing reactive high-level behaviors for robots with complex dynamics., und . IROS, Seite 749-756. IEEE, (2013)Nonlinear Controller Synthesis and Automatic Workspace Partitioning for Reactive High-Level Behaviors., und . HSCC, Seite 225-234. ACM, (2016)Hybrid Controllers for Path Planning: A Temporal Logic Approach., , und . CDC/ECC, Seite 4885-4890. IEEE, (2005)