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Structured Light Color Boundary Coding for 3D Photography., , and . VMV, page 299-306. Aka GmbH, (2002)Rendering Synthetic Objects into Full Panoramic Scenes using Light-depth Maps., , and . GRAPP/IVAPP, page 209-212. SciTePress, (2013)Complex Plane Transformations for Manipulation and Visualization of Panoramas., and . GRAPP/IVAPP, page 179-184. SciTePress, (2013)Production framework for full panoramic scenes with photorealistic augmented reality., , and . CLEI, page 1-10. IEEE, (2012)Interactive Specification of 3D Displacement Vectors using Arcball., , and . Computer Graphics International, page 70-75. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)An Overview on Virtual Sets., , and . Virtual Worlds, volume 1834 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 91-98. Springer, (2000)Expression Transfer between Photographs through Multilinear AAM's., , and . SIBGRAPI, page 239-246. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)PCA-Based 3D Face Photography., , , and . SIBGRAPI, page 313-320. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Multiscale Moment-Based Painterly Rendering., and . SIBGRAPI, page 244-251. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Motion Reconstruction using Moments Analysis., , and . SIBGRAPI, page 354-361. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)