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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Identifying Relationships in Vehicular Sensor Data: A Case Study and Characterization., , , und . DIVANet@MSWiM, Seite 33-40. ACM, (2016)A distributed and low-overhead traffic congestion control protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks., , und . Comput. Commun., (2020)Slicing who slices: Anonymization quality evaluation on deployment, privacy, and utility in mix-zones., , , , und . Comput. Networks, (November 2023)Trajectory Matters: Impact of Jamming Attacks Over the Drone Path Planning on the Internet of Drones., , , und . Ad Hoc Networks, (2023)A self-adaptive data dissemination solution for intelligent transportation systems., , , , und . PE-WASUN, Seite 69-76. ACM, (2014)A Hybrid Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Networks., , und . Sensors, 9 (9): 7287-7307 (2009)Large-scale study of city dynamics and urban social behavior using participatory sensing., , , und . IEEE Wirel. Commun., 21 (1): 42-51 (2014)MixRide: An Energy-Aware Location Privacy Protection Mechanism for the Internet of Drones., , , und . GLOBECOM, Seite 3527-3532. IEEE, (2022)From data to knowledge: city-wide traffic flows analysis and prediction using bing maps., , , , und . UrbComp@KDD, Seite 12:1-12:8. ACM, (2013)GRM: Group Regularity Mobility Model., , , , und . MSWiM, Seite 85-89. ACM, (2017)