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The End of (Numeric) Error: An interview with John L. Gustafson.. Ubiquity, 2016 (April): 1:1-1:14 (2016)Text to software: developing tools to close the gaps in software engineering., и . FoSER, стр. 379-384. ACM, (2010)Logging Kernel Events on Clusters., и . International Conference on Computational Science, том 2660 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 63-74. Springer, (2003)Software engineering for multicore systems: an experience report., , , и . IWMSE@ICSE, стр. 53-60. ACM, (2008)Initial Implementation of Natural Language Turn-Based Dialog System., , и . IHCI, том 84 из Procedia Computer Science, стр. 49-56. Elsevier, (2015)Automated test-case generation by cloning., и . AST, стр. 83-88. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Application-independent Autotuning for GPUs., , , и . PARCO, том 25 из Advances in Parallel Computing, стр. 626-635. IOS Press, (2013)Agile Development: Evaluation and Experience.. ICSE, стр. 692. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)On Experimental Computer Science.. Experimental Software Engineering Issues, том 706 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 30-32. Springer, (1992)A replicated, distributed file system., и . ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, ACM, (1986)