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Analyzing the Performance of Apps Developed by using Cross-Platform and Native Technologies.

, , , and . SEKE, page 186-191. KSI Research Inc., (2020)

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Analyzing the Performance of Apps Developed by using Cross-Platform and Native Technologies., , , and . SEKE, page 186-191. KSI Research Inc., (2020)Service-Oriented Approach for Internet of Things.. ICCS (3), volume 10862 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 545-551. Springer, (2018)CompoPHC: An ontology-based component for primary health care., , and . IRI, page 592-599. IEEE, (2012)Mechanism of luminescent enhancement in Ba2GdNbO6:Eu3+ perovskite by Li+ co-doping, , , , and . JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, (2015)Improving connectivity for runtime simulation of automation systems via OPC UA., , , , , , and . INDIN, page 288-293. IEEE, (2015)Impact of new ICT trends for the educational curriculum in the area of Industrial Automation and engineering., , , and . IECON, page 3643-3648. IEEE, (2015)A Service-Oriented Architecture Implementation in the Digital Factory of the University., , and . HoloMAS, volume 9266 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 73-83. Springer, (2015)Aprendizado de Máquina Aplicado na Classificação de Alertas de Ataques de DoS em Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusão., , , , , and . SBRC Companion, page 241-248. (2020)Stacking-based Committees para Detecção de Ataques em Redes de Computadores - Uma abordagem por exaustão., , , , and . SBRC, page 644-657. (2021)Action research: The formation of a manufacturing virtual industry cluster., and . E-Business and Virtual Enterprises, volume 184 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 261-268. Kluwer, (2000)