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Coalition Structure Generation in Task-Based Settings., и . ECAI, том 141 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 210-214. IOS Press, (2006)Coalition formation and operation in virtual organisations.. University of Southampton, UK, (2004)British Library, EThOS.Generating Coalition Structures with Finite Bound from the Optimal Guarantees., и . AAMAS, стр. 564-571. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Optimal clearing algorithms for multi-unit single-item and multi-unit combinatorial auctions with demand/supply function bidding., и . ICEC, том 50 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 25-30. ACM, (2003)Polynomial algorithms for clearing multi-unit single-item and multi-unit combinatorial reverse auctions., и . ECAI, стр. 23-27. IOS Press, (2002)CONOISE: Agent-Based Formation of Virtual Organisations., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). SGAI Conf., стр. 353-366. Springer, (2003)Aerogility: an intelligent decision support system for managing service-based aftermarkets., , , и . AAMAS (2), стр. 1411-1412. IFAAMAS, (2009)