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Proteus: A System for Dynamically Composing and Intelligently Executing Web Services., , , , , , , , , и 3 other автор(ы). ICWS, стр. 17-21. CSREA Press, (2003)Object Placement in Parallel Hypermedia Systems., , , и . VLDB, стр. 243-254. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Design and Implementation of the Omega Object-Based System., , , и . Australian Database Conference, стр. 198-209. World Scientific, (1993)On Coordinated Display of Structured Video., и . IEEE Multim., 4 (3): 62-75 (1997)Management of Disk Space with REBATE., и . CIKM, стр. 304-311. ACM, (1994)A Mid-Flight Synopsis of the BG Social Networking Benchmark., и . WBDB, том 8585 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 19-31. Springer, (2013)An Approach to Glove-Based Gesture Recognition., , , , , и . HCI (2), том 5611 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 236-245. Springer, (2009)Visualization of Spatial Neuroanatomical Data., , , , , и . VISUAL, том 1614 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 801-808. Springer, (1999)A Comparison of Block-Based and Clip-Based Cooperative Caching Techniques for Streaming Media in Wireless Home Networks., и . WASA, том 5682 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 43-52. Springer, (2009)A Performance Analysis of the Gamma Database Machine., , и . SIGMOD Conference, стр. 350-360. ACM Press, (1988)SIGMOD Record 17(3), September 1988.