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Gait Verification System for Supporting Criminal Investigation., , , , and . ACPR, page 747-748. IEEE, (2013)Camera-Based Online Signature Verification with Sequential Marginal Likelihood Change Detector., , , and . CAIP, volume 5702 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 229-236. Springer, (2009)Close-Contact Detection Using a Single Camera for Sports Considering Occlusion., , , , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2022)Health Indicator Estimation by Video-Based Gait Analysis., , , , , and . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 104-D (10): 1678-1690 (2021)Gait-based person-verification system for forensics., , , and . BTAS, page 113-120. IEEE, (2012)A novel highly linear CMOS buffer., , , , and . ICECS, page 369-371. IEEE, (1998)The reduction of memory and the improvement of recognition rate for HMM on-line handwriting recognition., , and . IWFHR, page 383-388. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Biometric Person Authentication Method Using Camera-Based Online Signature Acquisition., , and . ICDAR, page 46-50. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Cyclist Recognition from a Silhouette Set., , and . BIOSIG, volume P-339 of LNI, page 1-4. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. / IEEE, (2023)Silhouette-based online signature verification using pen tip trajectory and pen holding style., and . ICB, page 1-8. IEEE, (2013)