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HOW CLIMATE EVOLVED ON THE TERRESTRIAL PLANETS, , и . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 258 (2): 90--& (1988)MAKING MARS HABITABLE, , и . Nature, 352 (6335): 489--496 (1991)Modeling water ice lifetimes at recent Martian gully locations, , и . Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (L09204): doi:10.1029/2007GL029507 (2007)Environmental effects of large impacts on Mars, , , и . Science, 298 (5600): 1977--1980 (2002)THE SULFUR CYCLE IN THE MARINE ATMOSPHERE, , , и . Journal of Geophysical Research-ATMOSPHERES, 92 (D1): 943--963 (1987)Hydrodynamic escape of nitrogen from Pluto, и . Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (18): L18201 (2005)Environmental perturbations caused by the impacts of asteroids and comets, , , , и . REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS, 35 (1): 41--78 (1997)