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Trust model for private cloud., , , and . CyberSec, page 128-132. IEEE, (2012)Survivability for a Network Service and Load Balancing Using Intelligent Agents Software., , , , and . EUC, volume 3207 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 734-744. Springer, (2004)SisBrAV - Brazilian Vulnerability Alert System., , , , , and . WOSIS, page 67-76. INSTICC Press, (2005)File Exchange in Cloud., , , and . TrustCom, page 1217-1222. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)REVS: A Vulnerability Ranking Tool for Enterprise Security., , and . ICEIS (2), page 126-133. SCITEPRESS, (2022)A Proposed Protocol for Periodic Monitoring of Cloud Storage Services Using Trust and Encryption., , , and . ICCSA (2), volume 9787 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 45-59. Springer, (2016)A Multiagent Architecture for Information Retrieval in Distributed and Heterogeneous Data Sources., , , , , , and . ICWI, page 957-962. IADIS, (2003)Enhancing an Integer Challenge-Response Protocol., , and . ICCSA (2), volume 5073 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 526-540. Springer, (2008)MANET - Auto Configuration with Distributed Certification Authority models Considering Routing Protocols Usage., , , , and . WOSIS, page 57-66. INSTICC Press, (2005)Strategic Assessment of Cyber Security Contenders to the Brazilian Agribusiness in the Beef Sector., , , and . Inf., 13 (9): 431 (2022)