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To Diagnose a Slight and Incipient Fault in a Power Plant Thermal System Based on Symptom Zoom Technology and Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Method., , , и . ICMLC, том 3930 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 958-964. Springer, (2005)Mathematical Model for an Electrode-Type Electric Boiler Based on GSA-optimized Neural Network., , и . ICNC-FSKD, стр. 40-45. IEEE, (2018)Identification of Essential Proteins by Using Complexes and Biological Information on Dynamic PPI Network., , и . CBD, стр. 127-132. IEEE, (2019)A New Scheme for Essential Proteins Identification in Dynamic Weighted Protein-Protein Interaction Networks., , и . ICAIS (1), том 12239 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 195-206. Springer, (2020)Simulation of Load Control Scheme in Power Plant Based on Condensate Throttling Prediction Model., , , , , и . ICACI, стр. 150-154. IEEE, (2020)A Compact K Nearest Neighbor Classification cation for Power Plant Fault Diagnosis., и . J. Inf. Hiding Multim. Signal Process., 5 (3): 508-517 (2014)ANN and PSO based intelligent model predictive optimal control for large-scale supercritical power unit., , , и . ICIA, стр. 690-695. IEEE, (2016)ANN-based diagnosis of boiler four-tube leakage faults under different loads and operating modes., , , и . ICNC, стр. 88-92. IEEE, (2014)Energy storage inverter control based on neural network inverse model., , , , , и . ICIA, стр. 3032-3036. IEEE, (2015)Application of linear active disturbance rejection control to the coordinated system of a large-scale ultra-supercritical power unit., , , , и . ICIA, стр. 128-132. IEEE, (2015)