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Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Visual Objects Information.

, , , and . Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web, Wiley, (2005)

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From Partition Trees to Semantic Trees., and . MRCS, volume 4105 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 306-313. Springer, (2006)BPT Enhancement Based on Syntactic and Semantic Criteria., , , and . SAMT, volume 4306 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 184-198. Springer, (2006)Region merging parameter dependency as information diversity to create sparse hierarchies of partitions., and . ICIP, page 2237-2240. IEEE, (2010)On Building a Hierarchical Region-Based Representation for Generic Image Analysis., and . ICIP (4), page 325-328. IEEE, (2007)Region-based mean shift tracking: Application to face tracking., and . ICIP, page 2712-2715. IEEE, (2008)Performance evaluation of probability density estimators for unsupervised information theoretical region merging., , and . ICIP, page 4397-4400. IEEE, (2009)A motion-based binary partition tree approach to video object segmentation., , and . ICIP (2), page 430-433. IEEE, (2005)Region-Based Hierarchical Representation for Object Detection., and . CBMI, page 157-164. IEEE, (2007)Precise upwelling and filaments automatic extraction from multisensorial imagery., , and . IGARSS, page 2018-2021. IEEE, (2004)Precise classification of coastal benthic habitats using high resolution Worldview-2 imagery., , , and . IGARSS, page 2307-2310. IEEE, (2015)