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Sprachraumerstellung als Bestandteil der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung in SOA.

, , , and . GIL Jahrestagung, volume P-181 of LNI, page 81-84. GI, (2011)

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Systemübergreifende Kostennormalisierung für Integrationsprozesse., , , and . BTW, volume P-144 of LNI, page 67-86. GI, (2009)Simplicity Done Right for Join Ordering., , , and . CIDR,, (2021)One Clustering Process Fits All - A Visually Guided Ensemble Approach, , , and . Proceedings of LWA2010 - Workshop-Woche: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivitaet, Kassel, Germany, (2010)Regelsprachraum für die annotationsbasierte Prozessmodellierung im Precision Dairy Farming., and . GI Jahrestagung (1), volume P-175 of LNI, page 149-154. GI, (2010)Lower Bound-oriented Parameter Calculation for AN Coding., , , and . ISITA, page 590-594. IEEE, (2018)Data-Warehousing 3.0 - Die Rolle von Data-Warehouse-Systemen auf Basis von In-Memory Technologie., , and . IMDM, volume P-193 of LNI, page 57-68. GI, (2011)On-The-Fly Data Distribution to Accelerate Query Processing in Heterogeneous Memory Systems., , , , , and . ADBIS, volume 14918 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 170-183. Springer, (2024)CSAR: the cross-sectional autoregression model for short and long-range forecasting., , , , and . Int. J. Data Sci. Anal., 8 (2): 165-181 (2019)Online Bit Flip Detection for In-Memory B-Trees Live!, , , and . BTW, volume P-241 of LNI, page 675-678. GI, (2015)SIMDified Data Processing - Foundations, Abstraction, and Advanced Techniques., and . SIGMOD Conference Companion, page 613-621. ACM, (2024)