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Variant Extensions to Prove MAS Behaviours., и . AIMSA, том 3192 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 409-419. Springer, (2004)A Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Objects., , и . PKDD, том 4702 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 422-429. Springer, (2007)GDT4MAS: a formal model and language to specify and verify agent-based complex systems., и . Stud. Inform. Univ., 10 (3): 5-32 (2012)Goal Decomposition Tree: An Agent Model to Generate a Validated Agent Behaviour., , и . DALT, том 3904 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 124-140. Springer, (2005)Incremental Specification of Telecommunication Services., и . ICFEM, стр. 60-69. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Using GDT4MAS as a Formal Support for Engineering Multi-Agents Systems., и . ICSOFT-EA, стр. 407-412. SciTePress, (2015)A Tool Architecture to Verify Properties of Multiagent System at Runtime., и . PROMAS, том 4411 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 201-216. Springer, (2006)Formal Verification of Ethical Properties in Multiagent Systems., и . EDIA@ECAI, том 1668 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 26-31., (2016)Service specifications: to B, or not to B., и . FMSP, стр. 62-69. ACM, (1998)Using the SPACE Intermediate Model to Help to Implement Agents., , , и . ISMIS, том 2871 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 221-225. Springer, (2003)