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Adaptive Observation of Emerging Cyber Attacks targeting Various IoT Devices., , , and . IM, page 143-151. IEEE, (2021)Systematic Treatment of Collusion Secure Codes: Security Definitions and Their Relations., , and . ISC, volume 2851 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 408-421. Springer, (2003)Amplification Chamber: Dissecting the Attack Infrastructure of Memcached DRDoS Attacks., , , , , and . DIMVA, volume 13358 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 178-196. Springer, (2022)DAEDALUS: Novel Application of Large-Scale Darknet Monitoring for Practical Protection of Live Networks., , , , and . RAID, volume 5758 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 381-382. Springer, (2009)VT-SOS: A Cost-effective URL Warning utilizing VirusTotal as a Second Opinion Service., , , , , , , , , and . NOMS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2024)A Proposal of Malware Distinction Method Based on Scan Patterns Using Spectrum Analysis., , , , and . ICONIP (2), volume 5864 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 565-572. Springer, (2009)An Internet-Wide View of Connected Cars: Discovery of Exposed Automotive Devices., , , and . ARES, page 146:1-146:8. ACM, (2022)An Efficient Dynamic Detection Method for Various x86 Shellcodes., , , and . SAINT, page 284-289. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)AmpPot: Monitoring and Defending Against Amplification DDoS Attacks., , , , , , and . RAID, volume 9404 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 615-636. Springer, (2015)A Cross-Platform Study on IoT Malware., , , and . ICMU, page 1-2. IEEE, (2018)