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Ontological Engineering with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web

, , и . Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, USA, (2003)ISBN: 1852335513.

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Ontological Engineering: with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web, , и . (2004)A MAUT Approach for Reusing Domain Ontologies on the Basis of the NeOn Methodology., , , , и . Int. J. Inf. Technol. Decis. Mak., 12 (5): 945-968 (2013)Ontological Engineering, , и . Springer, (2004)Overview and analysis of methodologies for building ontologies, , и . The Knowledge Engineering Review, 17 (2): 129--156 (2002)A survey on methodologies for developing, mainaining, integrating, evaluating and reengineering ontologies, и . Deliverable, 1.4. EU IST Project IST-2000-29243 OntoWeb, (2002)Why are ontologies not reused across the same domain?, , , и . Journal of Web Semantics, (2018)Ontological Engineering with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web, , и . Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, USA, (2003)ISBN: 1852335513.The NeOn Methodology framework: A scenario-based methodology for ontology development., , и . Appl. Ontology, 10 (2): 107-145 (2015)Ontological engineering: principles, methods, tools and languages, , и . Ontologies for software engineering and software technology, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2006)ODE-SWS: A Semantic Web Service Development Environment., , , и . SWDB, стр. 203-216. (2003)