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Few-shot Learning by Exploiting Visual Concepts within CNNs, , , и . (2017)cite arxiv:1711.08277.Every Pixel Counts ++: Joint Learning of Geometry and Motion with 3D Holistic Understanding, , , , , , и . IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 42 (10): 2624-2641 (октября 2020)Probabilistic Models of Cognition: Conceptual Foundations, , и . Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10 (7): 287 - 291 (2006)Special issue: Probabilistic models of cognition.Integrated Bayesian Model Classification, , , , , и . 27 (5): 629--640 (2008)Bayesian models of object perception, и . Current opinion in neurobiology, 13 (2): 150--158 (2003)Detecting object boundaries using low-, mid-, and high-level information, , и . Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114 (10): 1055--1067 (2010)Probabilistic models of cognition: where next?, , и . Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10 (7): 292 - 293 (2006)Special issue: Probabilistic models of cognition.Object perception as Bayesian inference, , и . Annu Rev Psychol, (2004)Understanding Pan-Sharpening via Generalized Inverse., , , и . CoRR, (2023)Statistical Physics, Mixtures of Distributions, and the EM Algorithm., , и . Neural Comput., 6 (2): 334-340 (1994)