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Reverse Engineering Yeast Gene Regulatory Networks using Graphical Models., , , , и . ICASSP (2), стр. 1088-1091. IEEE, (2006)Joint velocity estimation and symbol detection in non-stationary fading channels by particle filtering., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 2269-2273. IEEE, (2003)Belief-directed sequential probabilistic data association multiuser detector., , и . ICASSP (3), стр. 713-716. IEEE, (2005)Early disease correlated protein detection using early response index (ERI)., , , , и . BHI, стр. 569-572. IEEE, (2016)A generalized probabilistic data association multiuser detector., и . ISIT, IEEE, (2004)A deep learning model for predicting transcription factor binding location at single nucleotide resolution., , и . BHI, стр. 57-60. IEEE, (2017)An SILAC quantification algorithm for LC-FTMS., , , , и . GENSiPS, стр. 199-202. IEEE, (2012)Driver's fatigue prediction by deep covariance learning from EEG., , и . SMC, стр. 240-245. IEEE, (2017)Adaptive blind multiuser detection over flat fast fading channels using particle filtering., , , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 2419-2423. IEEE, (2004)Turbo equalization using probabilistic data association., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 2535-2539. IEEE, (2004)