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A high performance architecture of EBCOT encoder in JPEG 2000., , , и . ISCAS (1), стр. 492-495. IEEE, (2005)High-speed tunable broadband microwave photonics phase shifter based on an active microring resonator., , , , , , и . WOCC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2016)Transferring Software Engineering Research into Industry: The Stevens Way., и . SER&IP@ICSE, стр. 46-49. IEEE, (2015)Impact of Layer Thickness on the Charge Carrier and Spin Coherence Lifetime in Two-Dimensional Layered Perovskite Single Crystals, , , , , , , , и . ACS Energy Letters, 3 (9): 2273--2279 (августа 2018)Stable Formamidinium‐Based Perovskite Solar Cells via In Situ Grain Encapsulation, , , , , , , , , и 6 other автор(ы). Advanced Energy Materials, (августа 2018)Negative Results for Software Effort Estimation., , , , и . CoRR, (2016)Do Higher Incentives Lead to Better Performance? - An Exploratory Study on Software Crowdsourcing., , и . ESEM, стр. 1-11. IEEE, (2019)Study on Optimization Model of Airport Passenger Security Check Queuing Management., , , и . ISCID (2), стр. 281-286. IEEE, (2018)Using Bayesian regression and EM algorithm with missing handling for software effort prediction., , и . Inf. Softw. Technol., (2015)Application of Community Detection Algorithms on Social Internet-of-things Networks., , , и . ICM, стр. 94-97. IEEE, (2019)